Before you plan to buy virtual private server hosting(, you should be familiar with the advantages you will get as being a host of your website. VPS hosting is gaining vast popularity for numerous reasons, among the most tangible is low cost. The reason behind it is, no need to purchase an independent server or a dedicated server that performs the same functions from a users viewpoint and it is impossible to tell if one is working using a virtual server hosting or a dedicated server. A virtual private server provides the same access and use of programs and software as of dedicated or servers however, the user is not required to have a server that contains the actual programs that are being used, there are a so many different uses of VPS such as:
Hosting: Standard hosting can be
described as like running a website with plain HTML code, PHP/PERL
scripts or use of any open source content management system like
Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, elgg etc, Simple Machines Forum or some
kind of directory software like opendirectory or PHP link directory.
other services: Hosting other services
like mail server, HTTP/Apache or FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server
or any other server you can host easily.
Name server (DNS): A DNS server
resolves a name to an IP address but it can also point to multiple
IP addresses for load balancing, or for backup servers if one or
more is offline or not accepting connections.
Shared Hosting: The point of using VPS
for reselling shared hosting is the low cost option for starting a
hosting business. You invest only in the Virtual Private Server and
use the technical knowledge from the company you have bought your
server: Virtual private Server can be
a cheap variant as another way of backup of your files from your
current host. It is advisable to use plan with more disk space and
lower memory or bandwidth.
weight Game Server: Use as a game
server for low resource online games that can be played in multi
player mode.
Virtual Private Server is acts as a bridge among the shared web hosting and dedicated server hosting as this hosting comprises the same features as dedicated in affordable prices.